Thursday, 6 August 2015

Choose an alternative career in investment banking

What are finance courses?

Basically, these are courses that teach you how to handle money. To put it in other words, finance courses allow you to understand investments in its entirety. You get to know the risks and the profits of making each and every investment. These courses are taught in many places at many institutions. If you are trying to get yourself enrolled in one such course, you can look up online; there are distant courses available which you can take online from home. You can try Government Institutions, there are many government funded universities teaching these finance related courses. You might also try Non-government Institutions, there are many government sanctioned privately funded institutions as well offering similar courses.

banking and finance courses
finance courses

What you learn in these courses

The papers vary from institution to institution. Some of the papers are optional as well so you are at liberty to choose. Some of the choices that might be available are derivatives, trade finance etc. you can choose from many papers and decide for yourself what will come in handy in your career.

A bit on investment banking

You must be well acquainted with the terms investment and banking separately. However, there might be some confusion about career in investment banking. It is the bank which raises fund for some organization from other organizations or individuals. For example, you might want to invest some money so that you get better returns than keeping it in a bank. Then a third party, the bank, handles your investment. They advise you where to invest, which investment is safer or which investment can give better returns.

career in investment banking
career in investment banking

The money you invest acts as capital for some new company or organization. When the company starts going into profit, you get wonderful returns on the money you had invested, much more than what conventional banks can offer. However, there are obvious risks. If the venture fails, if the company goes bankrupt, or there is a scam or a fraud, then you lose huge amounts of money. That is why; it is advisable to take professional help in case of these investments, and thus the third party, investment banks, become unavoidable.

How do financial analysis and investment banking go together?

Well, the answer is simple. If you are a certified financial analyst, you can have a bright future in investment banking. Being a financial analyst you will have the knowledge and skill required to advice other people on how to spend their money. And that is exactly what investment banks do. Because of the courses you take, you will know about risk analysis, liquidity of assets and everything that you need to know to be a competent advisor. You will not only be earning from a job, but also helping others to earn as well.